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Can. CH. Remington Rupert Bear, WC, JH 


March 9th 2005 - April 16th, 2018

Frozen semen available to approved bitches

Bayleez was our English import from Remington kennel. He was a true cream with excellent pigment. He was  23.5" tall and weighed 76 lbs. He was a medium to large bone dog and very well proportioned. His topline was level and he had great movement with great reach and drive. He was an exceptionally well balanced dog with very good front and rear. Correct double coat.  He loved to retrieve and was the instigator of play in our household. He was game for anything and was always eager to please.


My  second "once in a life-time dog". We loved him so dearly. He was a very soft gentle boy in character and quite respectful of older or younger dogs. He was a natural at everything he did. Always happy and  had a wonderful sense of humour. He did great things in the show ring as he was a natural showman but first and foremost he was our beloved family dog who captured our whole heart.

His legacy will live on forever at Norsehaven.

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Bayleez National Puppy 12-18 1st  GRCC 2006.jpg
Bayleez Best Stud Dog Gun Dog 2013 GRCQ.jpg
Bayleez Group 1st HKC 2010.jpg

D.O.B: March 9th,2005

Hips: OFA  "good"- Oct.2007 GR-93849G30M-PI

Hips: PennHipp 90th percentile/D.I (L) .35 (R).42

Hips: BVA 6/3= total hip score 9

Elbows: OFA "normal"- Oct.2007 GR-EL16615M30-PI

Heart: OFA-Normal- Sept.2006 GR-CA11533/18M/S-PI

Eyes: CERF, clear; Sept, 2014

PRA GR_1-clear (AHT cert)

PRA-prcd Clear Optigen: 11-6822

Ichthyosis: Tested by Optigen: Carrier

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SH.CH. Shardanell Talk O' The Town at Ipcress 

This is Bayleez's sire ''Teddy'' in England.

SH.CH Remington Remember Me

This is Bayleez's dam "Poppy"

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Teddy - BestPuppy in show

Thank you to Paul Gibbons and Penny Gowland of Remington Kennel for entrusting us with this magnificent boy.

I flew personally to England to pick up Bayleez who travelled back with me to Canada.

Needless to say he handled the long trip just fine. He left his mark and will live on forever through his descendants.

We celebrate 20 years
as good standing members of the
Canadian Kennel Club (CKC)
Norsehaven Kennel was awarded Permanent Registration.
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We are located in beautiful, picturesque Hudson, QC, just 35mins west of Montreal and 1.5 hrs east from Ottawa off Hyw 40 Trans Canada. 


Dominic Valois          514-566-6700



Jasmine's puppies.jpg

English Type Golden Retrievers

Please note ALL content is the property of Dominic Valois and pictures and text are not to be taken without permission. Hudson, Quebec, Canada 

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